Thursday, July 17, 2008


Interesting title. We are having a new door fitted today. I don't envy the chippy being outside putting it in for us, its 95f today. Door looks good though, I'll post a pic to keep mother happy later on. Not sure how exciting that it is for my several readers, but nonetheless it's the first major bit of DIY to our house.

Speaking of DIY, the NMKY is having his garden landscaped, lets just hope it's all chippings or something so Mrs Monkey doesn't have to hold the baby AND mow the lawn. Rich did his bike ride at the weekend and it appears it was fairly uneventful, but fun. Good on ya. I think I would die doing 60 miles, although I am determined to cycle from Hanover to home this summer and that's close to 60 miles if not more I think. I'll wait 'til it's cooled off a bit though first.

last night I went to Severn. They have made some changes, three rollers around the first corner, seems to be ok I guess and they are going to alter the rhythm section a bit, which is good cos its pretty washed out now. I rode clips for the first time in months, and I have to say I hate them. They are faster, but I am not smoother in them. I am just going to persevere and work on it, but it's not bmx, it's plain gay. Why do guys my age, who aren't chasing vet pro dreams need clips. Seriously, whats the point? We grew up on flat pedals, why do we need disco slippers now! I think when I turn 35x after christmas I will be back on flats.

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