Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy Anniversary Pooper

We've been married 2 yrs today. And we are still married. Hurrah.

Can't believe it's been 2 years, it has really flown by. It's been the happiest two years though. I can safely say I love my wife more than ever. Obviously there are moments when we want to throw large objects at each other, like Chewy, but we have had a great 2 years and so hopefully we will have many more to come. I love you Bean.

What's changed in two years here?
  • I've had 2 new jobs
  • We've bought a house
  • Got another cat. Gatsby rules, I love him.
  • We've bought 2 cars - black betty (the Subaru) and green gerty (the Envoy).
  • My brother knocked his bird up and they now have little Charlie.
  • I can't get my bird knocked up!! She's not having it.
  • I've bought and sold a motorcross bike
  • I've had 3 new bikes - Proper Proclaimer; S&M .38 Special and Masi Road Bike
  • I'm growing hair where I don't want it and losing it where I need it.
  • I've developed a fetish for beer.

Surely I've achieved more than this in the last 2 years, but then again maybe not. When I came here I thought life would be different, new culture, new things to do, fact is it might well offer that but you have to live. So you do exactly what you did before which is work 40-50hours a week, spend time with the family, ride the bike. Same shit, different country. Although now I do have my wife to share all the mundane with as well as all the fun, and for that I am truly grateful. She is pretty wonderful to me and I wouldn't change any of it.. well apart from trying to get her knocked up. ;)


Unknown said...

I love you too Pooper. But I'd never injure Chewy by throwing him at you. I'll stick to frying pans. Bring on the next 65 years! They are sure to be full of cats and babies at some point too :)

Northern Monkey said...

I'm not sure if the 'Head of Logistics' has posted your card. If not, she's sacked...;)

sutty said...

happy anniversary hoppy's.

It's 2 years for me and Diane in 2 weeks. You are right time does fly for sure.
