Tuesday, March 10, 2009
NMKY bloggin no more
The weekend has been and gone, in the 70's for the most part, was lovely. Saturday we managed to achieve very little, although I did my first Sushi meal on Friday night and my stomach was not feeling too chipper. In theory I love the idea of Sushi. I love fish, I love all the things that go into the ingredients, but I just could not get rid of the fish smell 24hours later, so that's kind of put me off. Still, I did it, and although we had a little 'earnest discussion' on where to park going to Silver Spring we had a nice evening. Saturday was all but done by lunch time, as we accomplished little, other than play with the cats and enjoy the warm air in the house for a change. The afternoon we headed over to Mo and James, and I promptly fell asleep on the couch, guess I must have been tired. I am not sure what happened Saturday night, we tried to watch Schindlers List, but that's a tough movie so I think we caved in and read in bed! Life of a rock star I lead.
Sunday was funday, all about the bmx in the nice weather. I spent pretty much the whole day down at Severn. Track was in great condition, a bit soft on the first straight, which was tough going on flats, but the rhythm section and third straight were flowing nice, so after a lot of gates I spent some time working combinations on that. I was planning on riding the new Richmond track, photos look great, but heard all sorts of conflicting stories about how good it is. NBL have employed a new track builder and I am not convinced by him, his tracks appear to be very very tame. Riders need pushing, not multiple rollers and 10ft wide doubles. I heard the Morristown indoor track was easy too, soo glad I didn't waste my money there. I read what people write on Vintagebmx about awesome the track was but all the riders that post are 30 something novs and cruiser riders. It's not about our age groups anymore, it should be about the young kids and giving them the opportunity to aim for Olympics etc, a dumb indoor track isn't going to create the next Mikey Day, they just get bored and quit. Ah well.
Work is good, busy, but manageable, hence the update this morning.
Nothing new on the car front. If something pops up I like then maybe I'll swap, truth is I can't decide what I want. Well, actually I can. I want a Ford Explorer to get my bikes in, just one that does 25mpg and no stupid door handles! Ford have taken to putting the door release on the end of the door armrest, but no handle to hold on to, it's below and in an awkward position. It's dumb, really dumb, and not at all natural. Christine nearly let the door swing into the wall when we tried one for 24hrs as she didn't know! I suspect Ford have had a lot of complaints.
Ok, back to my North Carolina proposal, ta-ta for now..
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Camp Woodward, PA.
This thing was huge, and in the mist too, couldn't see the landing on the first few laps. On my way to first national win on cruiser back in Sept 08.
Just got back from Vegas with the Mrs and brother in-law and his wife. Great weekend, although we all got ill with the squits and farts. It was like a pig pen in our room after 24 hours.
Got snowed in on Monday, as our connecting flight was through Boston back to DC, so we had to drive to LA and then get a flight home on tuesday. We did see Martin Sheen though, and some other actor dude, who was senile and giving his little dog a hard time! If I ever find his pic I'll name and shame, but I can't recall his name right now.
Richmond BMX has a new track rebuild, looks great, with a pro section too, can't wait for that. Also a new track is being built the other side of Richmond at a MX park, so that should be awesome. Although I've heard rumours the guy is playing politics already by not letting vendors in to trade! Don't know what thats all about but last time I looked a 520 Renthal chain for a Honda CRF doesn't fit a 44-16t on a bmx! Muppet. Hope it's all hearsay and BS, but it's good to have another track to ride and another track for the state series.
Loads of snow right now, but should be in the 70s by the weekend, hopefully I may get out on the BMX. If not will dust off the road bike for a couple of hours.
Work is super busy, really have gone to the other extreme compared to this time last year, so it's great considering how tough the economy is.
I am still looking for a new car, but with the previous comment in mind, slightly scared of dumping my money into anything in case things go pete tong. No job is safe and after watching a report this morning on tv about high salaried professionals resorting to janitorial work just to have money coming in, it might not be a risk worth taking. We are trying to re-mortgage though at a better rate, but with house prices dropping they are looking for people to have 20% equity in the house, we are almost there, but it's proving tough. My thought is, if they want our business and the $100,000's in interest they will make from us over 30yrs they can bloody well flex the $8000 we need to meet that 20% mark. It makes sense to me, everything is negotiable right now, especially with the money lenders I think. They are up sh@t creek like the rest of us, so for the sake of $8000, I would have thought they would be happy to help. Maybe our broker has no balls, we'll see.
DC, get in touch mate, let me know what your plans are, if you want a weekend to explore Washington DC come down. We can ride, you can borrow my S&M, and we can hit a few tracks. Glad all is going well for you up in NY buddy.
Just want to send my love to my Grandma, its my blog so I can. She lost her younger brother and sister last week. I'm glad she lives round the corner from mum and dad now. love you Nan.