Monday, August 11, 2008

Gatsby and remains of Profile seat!

A few pics of Gatsby and my destroyed Profile seat after my crash this weekend. Idiot boy that I am. Oh, the wife has gone to buy tennis rackets. If anybody is in Silver Spring and wants a giggle, come and watch the two most uncoordinated people ever try and play tennis!


Unknown said...

hey we were actually decent. i only hit the ball over the fence five times!

Northern Monkey said...

You want co-ordinated? Watch me put a stroller into the upright position!

Hoppy said...

NMKY, my mate Chad sent me a crocodile skin look Profile Ti seat, how fookin cool is that! Reminds me of Jimmy Nails "Crocodile Shoes' song...

Dan said...

Your cat looks awesome, plus i totally dig his name! Hope you're healing up reeto Hoppy!